The all-important risk identification process: High Quality Risk Assessment.

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The all-important risk identification process: High Quality Risk Assessment. The first step is actually to fix the organization’s planning practise! 

Six steps in High Quality Risk Assessment
Investigate and fix the planning practice. 

  • The intuitive, informal approach -- does it work?
  • The importance of the planning language.
  • Properly formulated goals.
  • Properly informed goals.
  • The crucial point in the development trajectory of organizations.
  • Conclusion: we need proper planning and management systems in order to mature.

Complete planning practice

  • Strategic identity; internal analysis
  • Looking outward; external analysis
  • Vision
  • Gap analysis
  • Formulation of goals and objectives
  • Beneficial psychological effects of engaging staff in planning process.


“Why do so many strategic plans end up on the shelf? It’s curious, given that strategic planning is among the most popular of management tools.” (Robertson, 2019, p. iv)

E.Robertson Strategic Planning: Process, Templates and Effective Implementation (2019)