Context for risk assessment could mean projects, contracts, administrative workflows, technical processes, etc.

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Context for risk assessment could mean projects, contracts, administrative workflows, technical processes, etc.

Summary of the series to date. 
High Quality Risk Assessment. 
Establish the Context. 
Context Paper - The purpose is twofold: 
- to create a highly useful aid to facilitation; and 
- to create a testament to due diligence. 
Trap of trying to identify risk in business settings where goals are poorly formulated. 
What if we don't have hierarchical “goals” and “objectives”? 

Examples of Special Contexts
a. budgets
b. formal projects (project management)
c. contracts
d. workflows: administrative procedures or technical processes
e. performance management regimes
f.  specialized disciplines

Alternative contexts must still somehow express goals or intended actions that are clear.

“The ERM champion must scrutinize the planning and even coach managers to adopt a complete planning practice... As a consequence, the risk information ultimately developed will make clear sense.” (Robertson, p.31)

Do you need a risk matrix (risk register) or other templates for risk assessment? Enterprise Risk Management Tools and Templates 
E. Robertson Solving the Enterprise Risk Management Puzzle: Secrets to Successful Implementation (2016). The discussion on Establish Context begins in Chapter 2.2.